Schools & Educators

Storybook STEM

Monday 10, Tuesday 11 & Wednesday 12
February, 10:00 – 11:30am

Suitability: Preschool & Key Stage 1

Free. Book via

Pupils will have the opportunity to visit Northern Ireland’s oldest public library (established in 1771), see and handle some of its oldest science books and other treasures, before having a story (either ‘Billy Goats Gruff’ or ‘Three Little Pigs’) and a STEM workshop in which they get to make bridges for the goats or houses for the pigs. (Story to be chosen by the teacher in advance.)
For booking and information on potential transport subsidies for your school group, please contact the above email address. This event is funded by the Royal Society


Armagh Robinson Library
43 Abbey Street


Armagh Robinson Library

Royal Society